
The Ultimate Work From Home Ergonomics Checklist

If you’re working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s a good chance that you were not fully prepared to move your entire office and workspace to your house. Spending a few hours properly assessing your workspace and setting up an ergonomic home office may be necessary to keep you happy—and healthy. The best position for the monitor is to place it in front of your eyes at arm’s length. You also need to maintain proper body posture when you are seated. When seated, your hips and your knees should form a 90-degree angle. Make sure that you change your posture frequently so that you don’t get tired of one way of being seated.

Specifically, your desk should fit your knees, feet, and thighs comfortably underneath. You shouldn’t feel that you have to press your legs together to fit, and your knees shouldn’t bang up against anything. If you can’t fit under the desk comfortably, try out a different “desk” until you find the right fit. For more information about ergonomic home office design and other ergonomic topics, be sure to check out Weber Knapp’s website.

Ergonomics & Safety When Working Remotely

When you look at the middle of the screen, your eyes should look slightly down. You should be able to hold your neck straight and easily see the top third of the screen. If you find yourself bending your neck up or down, adjust the screen again. There are times when it is necessary to work remotely or from home. Whether your home setup is ideal or not, there are some steps you can take to avoid discomfort and ergonomic injury.

  • Put your computer keyboard in front of you so your wrists and forearms are in line and your shoulders are relaxed.
  • Keep your most used items closest in your primary zone followed by less commonly used items in your secondary and tertiary zones.
  • The world has moved to a reality where many people are working from home and social distancing measures require a new normal.

Prior to the widespread pandemic, an increasing number of people had already been saying goodbye to feeling stressed – doing an exhausting daily commute to work. It comes as individual workers and businesses saw remote working’s potential. Companies have seen there has been an increase of productivity of as much as 77%. Individuals, on the other hand, noticed that working remotely could be good for stress and heart health. Use this guide to ease stress on your body, protect your joints and help you stay comfortable as you work. Take an inventory of all desk items, including your mouse, printer, notebooks and files.

Ergonomics Dos and Don’ts For Those Now Working from Home

Taking a few moments to ensure that your home office is set up properly can help you reduce repetitive stress and strain while working. This can minimize pain, improve posture, and improve your overall productivity while working. There has been much debate over whether you should sit or stand at your workspace. Some people have even started using sit-to-stand work stations and are spending quite a bit of time standing while working. This is meant to relieve stress and strain on your low back and neck.

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However, if the toe kick isn’t deep enough, you may find yourself too far from the desk. That, in turn, will mean you’re overextending your arms or leaning too far forward, which could put pressure on your spine. And, if you’re using an external monitor, if you don’t get the screen placed right, you may crane your neck or lean back without realizing it. Setting up an ergonomically correct workspace at home will take a little bit of doing on your part. At the office, you probably have access to or can order, plenty of items to help you achieve the most ergonomic setup. Sooner or later, the coronavirus pandemic will end and we will be able to return to our familiar work situations.

DO work at an appropriate height

Sometimes a laptop screen or a regular standing monitor can’t be positioned how you want it. Monitor arms allow you to adjust for proper viewing distance and heights relative to your keyboard and other working devices. If you are working from home and start to develop any pain, adjust your position and workspace.

  • A cluttered desk is not just ergonomically less than optimal but can seriously hamper one’s work efficiency.
  • Adjust the height of the chair so that your feet rest flat on the floor.
  • Sit at the desk, hold your arms naturally and comfortably at your sides, then bend your elbows.
  • The main problem with a laptop is that the screen and the keyboard are connected, making true ergonomic placement of the laptop keyboard and screen impossible.
  • If you do not have a desk, you may consider purchasing a small one.
  • When you look at the middle of the screen, your eyes should look slightly down.

Understanding office ergonomics and arranging your workspace accordingly can help you feel good throughout the workday. For the most comfortable viewing, keep your monitor at or slightly below eye level and about an arm’s length away. Avoid looking down or up at your screen to help protect your neck.

Common Office-Related Pain

One of the most important things you can do while setting up your home office is to create distance between your work and personal life. Have your own special workspace that is used exclusively (or mostly) for work. This is the best way to allow yourself to decompress after work.

work from home ergonomics checklist

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