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Chimpanzee Wikipedia

what is ape

The other hominoid groups are less diverse and include chimpanzees (2 species), gorillas (2 species), orangutans (2 species), and humans (1 species). The biggest threats to the chimpanzee are habitat loss, poaching, and disease. Chimpanzees appear in Western popular culture as stereotyped clown-figures and have featured in entertainments such as chimpanzees’ tea parties, circus acts and stage shows.


  1. The biggest threats to the chimpanzee are habitat loss, poaching, and disease.
  2. Molecular evidence indicates that the lineage of gibbons (family Hylobatidae), the « lesser apes », diverged from that of the great apes some 18–12 million years ago, and that of orangutans (subfamily Ponginae) diverged from the other great apes at about 12 million years.
  3. Apes, also referred to as hominoids, include chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, and gibbons.
  4. Gorillas and chimpanzees live in family groups of around five to ten individuals, although much larger groups are sometimes noted.

Apes are distinguished from monkeys by the complete absence of a tail and the presence of an appendix and by their more complex brains. Gorillas and chimpanzees live in family groups of around five to ten individuals, although much larger groups are sometimes noted. Chimpanzees live in larger groups that break up into smaller groups when fruit becomes less available. When small groups of cryptocurrency wallet guide for beginners female chimpanzees go off in separate directions to forage for fruit, the dominant males can no longer control them and the females often mate with other subordinate males. In contrast, groups of gorillas stay together regardless of the availability of fruit.

what is ape


Ape, Any of the tailless primates known as the lesser apes (gibbons and siamangs; family Hylobatidae) or the great apes (chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans, and gorillas; family Hominidae). Apes are found in the tropical forests of western and central Africa and South Asia. They are distinguished from monkeys by having how to set a stop loss and take profit no tail, having an appendix, and having a more complex brain. Apes typically move about by swinging or knuckle-walking, though they are capable of standing erect and occasionally walk on two feet. Highly intelligent animals, apes are very closely related to humans, who are also categorized by zoologists as members of Hominidae. As a result of habitat destruction and hunting, all the apes are now regarded as endangered.

Their general physique gives them a more upright posture than other primates. Their shoulder blades lie on their back, an arrangement that imparts a wide range of motion. Together these characteristics give hominoids better balance than their closest living relatives, the Old World monkeys. Hominoids are therefore more stable when standing on two feet or when swinging and hanging from tree branches. Numerous revisions in classifying the great apes have caused the use of the term hominid to change over time. The original meaning of « hominid » referred only to humans (Homo) and their closest extinct relatives.

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However, by the 1990s humans and other apes were considered to be « hominids ». Scientists studying orangutans in captivity have shown them capable of using sign language, solving puzzles, and recognizing symbols. Although there are a number of differences between apes and monkeys (apes have a longer lifespan, larger body size, larger brain-to-body size ratio, and higher intelligence); the main difference is that monkeys have tails and apes do not have tails.

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The gibbons and the orangutan are arboreal, while the gorilla, chimpanzee, and bonobo spend some or much of their time on the ground. African apes (gorilla, chimpanzee, and bonobo) travel on the ground by quadrupedal knuckle walking, in which the long fingers of the forelimbs are folded under to provide support for the best cryptocurrencies in 2021 body. Fruits and other plant material are the chief foods, though small invertebrates are eaten occasionally by all apes, and chimpanzees hunt large vertebrates, especially monkeys. Most apes lodge at night in trees, and all except gibbons build nests for sleeping. Group size ranges from the virtually solitary orangutan to the sociable chimpanzees and bonobos, which may live in bands of 100 or more. The theory of mind concept—including such faculties as empathy, attribution of mental state, and even empathetic deception—is a controversial criterion; it distinguishes the adult human alone among the hominids.

Hominidae was originally the name given to the family of humans and their (extinct) close relatives, with the other great apes (that is, the orangutans, gorillas and chimpanzees) all being placed in a separate family, the Pongidae. However, that definition eventually made Pongidae paraphyletic because at least one great ape species (the chimpanzees) proved to be more closely related to humans than to other great apes. Most taxonomists today encourage monophyletic groups—this would require, in this case, the use of Pongidae to be restricted to just one closely related grouping. Thus, many biologists now assign Pongo (as the subfamily Ponginae) to the family Hominidae. The taxonomy shown here follows the monophyletic groupings according to the modern understanding of human and great ape relationships.

They are the largest arboreal (tree dwelling) animal in the world, reaching heights of four to five feet and weights of 125 to 235 pounds or more. Orangutans are reddish-brown in color and some males grow white or yellow beards. Also characteristic are their bare faces with round eyes and small ears; their long, shaggy hair; long arms; and curled fingers and feet. However, even without the ability to test whether early members of the Hominini (such as Homo erectus, Homo neanderthalensis, or even the australopithecines) had a theory of mind, it is difficult to ignore similarities seen in their living cousins. Orangutans have shown the development of culture comparable to that of chimpanzees,21 and some

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